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Variety and grade of color masterbatch

Release Date:Apr. 10, 2021  Views:484

Color masterbatch is divided into the following varieties according to different uses.

(1) Advanced injection molding color masterbatch is used for advanced products, shells of electronic and electrical products, and cosmetic packaging boxes. It requires good heat and light resistance for basic pigments. The combination of pigments is complex, the color quality is dense, the color guide is rich, and the products are artistic. In particular, the color masterbatch of cosmetic box is the most advanced color masterbatch.

(2) Common injection molding color masterbatch is used for general daily plastic products, industrial containers, toys, etc.

(3) The low-grade color masterbatch is used to manufacture low-grade containers, such as low-grade industrial containers, containers, trash cans, garbage bags, etc.

(4) The color masterbatch is used for the spinning of textile fibers, which requires that the pigment has a strong dyeing force and a high concentration. The light resistance and heat resistance of the basic pigment of the filamentary masterbatch are very high, and the particle size of the pigment is very fine.

(5) Advanced blown film color masterbatch is used to make ultra-thin products.

(6) The common blown film color masterbatch is used for the blowing of general packaging bags and the blow molding and coloring of the flat silk of textile bags.

(7) The color masterbatch of mercerized silk ribbon is used for the manufacture of PP foam imitation silk ribbon, and is widely used for gift binding in department stores.

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