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What are the advantages of masterbatch dyeing compared with traditional floating dyeing

Release Date:Apr. 10, 2021  Views:495

The traditional plastic coloring method is the floating dyeing method or floating dyeing and re granulation method. The plastic processing plant that uses this dyeing method must have coloring equipment and necessary expertise. The color masterbatch is superior in all aspects. What are its advantages? The advantages are as follows:

(1) Uniform dispersion and excellent quality

As the pigment is pretreated by the coloring masterbatch, the particle size of the pigment can be guaranteed to be between 1-20 µ m. Therefore, the prepared plastic products are bright in color, especially suitable for some films, monofilaments, fibers, etc. with high strength and appearance requirements.

(2) Low product cost

The cost of masterbatch dyed products is lower than that of float dyed products, especially for products with small batch size and color change frequency. It is reported that the dyeing cost can be reduced by 1/3.

(3) Color matching technology and simple operation

If masterbatch is used for coloring, the required color and products with various technical requirements can be obtained by simply mixing the original color and masterbatch in a rotary drum according to the technical requirements of the masterbatch manufacturer. This technology is especially suitable for plants with weak equipment level technical strength.

(4) Good operating environment

As the coloring masterbatch is in granular shape, there is no pigment dust, so the dust is flying during operation, reducing pollution and conducive to civilized production.

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