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What factors affect the quality of black mother

Release Date:Apr. 10, 2021  Views:532

In the process of making a product, there will be many factors that affect the quality of the finished product, whether it is machinery or something we eat, or it is usually used in daily life. Naturally, our color masterbatch is the same, and there will be many factors affecting its quality in the process. Today, let's find out what factors affect the quality of black masterbatch?

1、 Dispersion: raw carbon black is a very difficult and dirty mixture, which is full of dust, light in weight and fluffy. Unless large-scale treatment measures are adopted, it will pollute the machines and workers and make the working environment dirty.

2、 Rheology: If a masterbatch has good dispersion, but it cannot flow into the material to be molded, the production effect is not ideal. Generally speaking, the priming resin used for producing color masterbatch has high rheological property. In order to save costs, some masterbatch manufacturers use reusable materials, waste materials or recycled materials as resin carriers.

3、 Compatibility: If masterbatch is produced from chips or recycled materials, it may contain contaminants or other immiscible polymers. This will cause some unexpected and difficult to restrain troubles, wasting consumers' time and raw materials. At this time, the base resin can be selected to produce high-quality color masterbatch, and the masterbatch has good compatibility in the melting process. Color masterbatch can be produced with LLDPE, LDPE, HDPE, PP, PS, SAN, PA and other materials.

4、 Stability: In today's international economy, it is necessary for international customers to have high requirements on the quality of color masterbatch and the stability of raw meal, which is also the fifth factor determining the quality of black masterbatch. One of the main manifestations of stability is the stable carbon black ratio. If the percentage of carbon black fluctuates, the quantity of masterbatch to be melted is different, and it is impossible to produce products of the same color.

5、 Covering power: This factor is particularly important for color masterbatch used for waste or recycled polymer. In these cases, the role of black is to cover other colors in the waste. The coloring ability of large particle carbon black is poor, and it is not easy to cover all other colors in the lower layer. As a result, the product only gets deviated colors. In the melting process, the ability to correctly select carbon black with high coloring ability to cover the existing color is called covering power.

6、 Color lightness: There are various types of carbon black on the market that can be used to color masterbatch, but the colors and prices are also very different. Large particle carbon black has lower chromaticity and different background color than small particle carbon black.

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