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The difference between toner and masterbatch coloring

Release Date:Apr. 10, 2021  Views:582

In some cases, the use of masterbatch coloring is more economical than the use of toner coloring, because color matchers can achieve the coloring effect of higher price pigments through the combination of several lower price pigments. Masterbatch coloring is the most commonly used plastic coloring method nowadays. The colorant dispersed in the carrier is simply mixed with the natural color resin to make plastic products.

The significant advantages of masterbatch coloring are:

(1) Easy to use, no pollution to the environment.

(2) Coloring is uniform and stable, improving the quality of plastic parts.

(3) It is easy to measure and can be applied to the molding production system with high degree of automation.

(4) Coloring, anti-aging agent, antistatic agent, etc. can be combined into a multi-functional master batch for easy use.

The following two phenomena should also be considered:

(1) In many cases, the pigments used by plastic product manufacturers in color matching with toner are not the most economical, and the waste of manpower and materials due to the lack of familiarity with pigments is very common. This problem does not exist when using color masterbatch.

(2) Products colored with color masterbatch are completely different from those colored with color masterbatch, and their selling prices are also higher. The higher selling prices are often higher than the increased cost of using color masterbatch, so the absorbent masterbatch can create "profits" instead. From this point of view, in some cases, using color masterbatch coloring is more "economical" than using toner coloring.

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